About Janice
Janice Delphin-Alleyne has spent her entire professional career in the non-profit arena. She is also an actress. Raised Catholic and reared in Catholic schools, she always believed in God yet went through periods where she moved away from organized religion. It was a difficult season in her life that would bring Janice back to her Christian roots and away from other forms of spirituality.
With her ear to the ground, open to what God may want to reveal, Janice called upon God to speak to her heart. God answered, taking her on an incredible journey that continues, as only He could. Janice experienced revelation after revelation as she grew in her walk with Jesus Christ and He offered, as He still does, what Janice likes to call, His “golden nuggets.”
Janice’s journey led to an unwavering commitment to be a follower of Jesus Christ and live a Holy Spirit led life. Janice realized that there was nothing as powerful as a personal relationship with Jesus and no place she would rather be than positioned squarely within the will of God, stepping into her God-given purpose. That calling, in large part, would be to share the fullness of God – His love, mercy, compassion, power, and more, with the world. It is Janice’s purpose to share with others God’s gift of salvation as well as the power of purpose driven living found when in alignment with God’s will for one’s life.
Most of Janice’s life was spent pursuing those interests that mattered most to her. Now, it is her life’s work to pursue that which God calls her to do.